Transcendent Ring
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The paintings of this series are based on the enso. It’s a Japanese word for circle and a concept representing ‘expression of the moment’. In Japanese calligraphy, the circle is created by a single brush stroke.
It represents a moment in life, free from thoughts, and emotions.
The incomplete or imperfect circle signifies how the moments of life are imperfect but perfect.
If we think in a broader sense it’s amazing how many grand things in our life are circular and how much we can learn about being in the moment, cherishing whatever perfect/imperfection we have.
These paintings are specially created in resin as it’s one of those mediums where you can’t control everything. You have to let go of the outcome and enjoy the beauty of the process, being in the moment.
Size : 19x15"
Material Used : Resin on Board
Style : Resin pouring